1. General

The student agrees to

  • Maintain Christian character and personal morality at the typically required level for ordained ministers in Christian churches.
  • If there will be any violation in kind that could compromise one’s status in the local Christian community (infidelity, use of alcohol or illegal substances, ungodly behavior, etc.), the student must inform the seminary in writing, and all scholarships will be placed “on hold” until the issue is resolved.
  • If the seminary gets informed from other sources (a mentor, reference person, other students, a local community) that there are issues of this nature, the scholarships will be canceled and can’t be restored.

2. When starting studies

The student must demonstrate his/her ability to use the online learning environment. This is done by

  • completing one's user profile with a good facial photo, description of oneself, and a list of interests,
  • writing about one's story, ministry and goals in a discussion area, and
  • completing an orientation assignment (no books required) in the first course of one's program.
  • If appicable, the student will also promote the seminary in his/her social network (Facebook, Twitter, blog etc.) informing one's friends and followers about the opportunity to study in the seminary.

3. While studying

  • The student agrees to study diligently and complete courses at the recommended time (3-credit courses in 3 months) or promptly inform the office about exceptional circumstances that influence their capacity to carry out studies.
  • Upon student's request, there can be a maximum of one year (1 year) of continuous no-study time. There can be breaks between courses (i.e., no enrolment into a new course after completing a previous one), but no longer than six months. The student may repeat the request after one year if necessary. To goal is to keep the seminary informed about the situation.
  • The student agrees to express exemplary behavior in the learning community by striving to assist other students in their study-related goals and problems and maintaining a positive dialogue with other students.
  • The student will frequently promote the seminary and endorse its goals, both in one’s local and national Christian community and online environment (social media).
  • The student grants the seminary permission to use their texts related to this policy in discrete communication for promotional and fundraising purposes. No personal information or photos of the student will be disclosed to the public without the student’s written approval.
  • Added on March 2024: The students reads and accepts the Zero Tolerance AI policy (link)

4. After graduation

If applicable, the student strives to become a mentor or instructor for new and future students in the seminary or aims at founding a study group in their region.


A student must read through this policy and indicate his/her agreement with this policy by sending an email to